Welcome Message from DG of Meteo Rwanda

                           Aimable GAHIGI

Director General and Permanent Representative with WMO

Rwanda Meteorology Agency administration welcomes you to our official website where we believe you will find interesting information about Rwanda Meteorology Agency core businesses, the mission and vision of the Agency, more importantly our culture to always to satisfy our esteemed customers.

At Rwanda Meteorology Agency (Meteo Rwanda) our strongest asset is the attitude to perfection and we pride in being the center of excellence in Rwanda in weather and climate information and service delivery.

We are an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Environment and established by Official Gazette nº 19 Bis of 09/05/2022. Here you will be able to find the mandate of the institution, and how the institution contributes to social economic development in general terms.

We actively participate in international organizations especially in areas of mutual cooperation in scientific research related to meteorological science and its application to advance well-being of mankind.

We encourage you to visit our website more often and appraise yourself with the latest information from Rwanda Meteorology Agency.

Naturally we would expect you to provide us feedback of constructive criticism to help us develop the website further so that we become more interactive and user friendly.

Thank you !


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